Miami Dolphins SunLife Stadium
Location: Miami, FL
Description: Heavy deconstruction of precast concrete in 50% of the lower bowl and all four upper corners for major renovations to the stadium. Hoisted 962 sections of precast concrete with 500 ton crawler cranes, removed 76,100 seats, interior demolition, dismantled 4-story tall escalators, and provided engineered shoring/bracing. Our crew of 90+ employees successfully completed demolition in an aggressive 12 week schedule with zero injuries.

Colorado Rockies Coors Field
Location: Denver, CO
Description: Selective demolition of upper stadium precast concrete to make way for the new rooftop deck. Utilized a 500 ton hydraulic crane with a smaller support crane positioned on the level 300 deck to finish ahead of a very compressed schedule during the MLB off-season.

Jacksonville Jaguars Everbank Field
Location: Jacksonville, FL
Description: Structural precast concrete removal in upper deck to create space for new club area with swimming pools. Dismantled existing scoreboard video displays with cranes to meet a tight deadline for the owner to install the world’s biggest video displays for the NFL team’s first home game.

University of Colorado Folsom Field
Location: Boulder, CO
Description: Demolished corner of cast-in-place concrete stadium, steel stadium bleachers, and multiple buildings for new athletic facility. Recycled 75% of materials to achieve LEED® goals for demolition.