Engineered Demolition, Inc. specializes in full service demolition services. Serving all of Colorado and beyond, our skilled crews are equipped to tackle every type of demolition project. Our dedicated team of professionals are available to you 24/7 allowing us to complete our clients projects in a safely, timely, and professional manner.
Engineered Demolition, Inc. is proud of the reputation it has built over the years. Our customers come back to us again and again because we provide superior service and value, while always taking the initiative to find ways to save them time and money. We can provide many references from satisfied customers who use us over and over again. We understand safety, precision performance, and deadlines, and our excellence in these areas is what separates us from the rest. The strong work ethic of our team enables us to exceed expectations in all we do.
We are qualified with a Denver Demo License “A” 236208 and experienced with more than 1,100 demolition projects successfully completed in the past decade.

Giving Back
Engineered Demolition is committed to strengthening communities whether it be in our own state or abroad. We partner with non-profits that work to provide low-income families with scholarships to private schools in grades K-12 right here in Denver. We believe that an education is the primary way to break the poverty cycle that plagues our country and is a foundational way to strengthen the family unit. We also partner with international non-profits that not only seek to bring education, healthcare, and an entrepreneurial spirit into the poorest communities but who also tap into the talent that already exists within their own communities. Our non-profit partners believe that people can do for themselves and should be encouraged to do so.
At home or abroad, Engineered Demolition believes in the great American principle underlying our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution: ALL people are created equal. We support this wholeheartedly and seek to give where this truth is upheld.
Engineered Demolition employees are encouraged to give and we provide them an opportunity through payroll deductions which we match, dollar for dollar. Our employees have been hugely generous through their weekly donations!
Engineered Demolition also partners with our general contractors to give back. We eagerly donate to their favorite non-profits because we know that together, we can build stronger communities.
Non-profits we support either directly or through our industry partners:
ACE Scholarships
Musana Community Development Organization
Missions Ministries
Denver Street School
Children’s Hope Chest
Denver Seminary
Greenhouse Scholars
Boys & Girls Club
Leukemia Lymphoma Society
BACa Foundation