Our Commitment to Safety
At Engineered Demolition we take the mantra “Safety First” to heart. Demolition creates a unique environment where the hazards change throughout the demolition process. We are committed in empowering all of our employees, from our upper management to our field labor, with the knowledge and tools necessary to perform our work as safely as possible in this changing environment. Our goal is to eliminate all job site injuries by implementing an industry-leading safety program, along with providing quality safety and skill training to our employees.
We believe that supervisors and workers trained with the proper safety and skill training will be able to identify and better prepare for hazards as they arise throughout our projects and lower exposure to injury. We are dedicated to keeping safety at the forefront and are focused at keeping it a consistent part of our daily operations. Safety is truly First in everything we do.

Industry Leading Safety Practices
- Kevlar sleeves required by all employees to prevent lacerations
- New Hire Identification Program (New employees are issued green hard hats for 90 days while on probation to help identify new employees on site so extra attention can be paid to them regarding safety)
- Fire Audits conducted by safety personnel prior to any “Hot Work” being conducted
- Skill/ Safety Identification Program to identify employee skill and safety training by utilizing stickers on hard hats to reflect training received (This allows our supervisors to easily identify an employee’s skills and training so he can be utilized safely and efficiently)
Safety Program Highlights
- “Stretch and Flex” conducted daily on all jobsites
- OSHA 10 Training for workers
- OSHA 30 Training for supervisors
- New Hire Safety Orientation (mandatory 2 hour safety orientation covering OSHA Focus 4 and other safety topics)
- Tool Box Talks (performed daily on every jobsite)
- JSA’s (Jobsite Safety Analysis done for all tasks on every project)
- Safety/Skill training conducted regularly off-site at our office
- Safety Audits conducted by our Safety Officer once a week on all projects