Englewood High School
Location: Englewood, CO
Description: Multi-year, multi-phase, multi-story high school wrecking project. Extremely sensitive wrecking of 90 ft. span pre-cast double-T pool structure attached to a historic 1900 field house. Environmental remediation and wrecking of 140,000 sq. ft. high school structure.

University of Colorado Darley Commons
Location: Boulder, CO
Description: Asbestos remediation and wrecking of 60 ft. tall concrete and brick university commons building. Very fast paced wrecking, over-excavation, site demo project on the campus of the University of Colorado Boulder.

Larimer County Fairgrounds
Location: Loveland, CO
Description: Extremely sensitive selective wrecking of a steel-truss event center structure with intent to not damage and save the supporting foundation and perimeter CMU bearing walls. Our crews recycled 95% of the demolished structure and utilized cranes to carefully remove and salvage the large steel trusses.